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Occur at plate boundaries
Strongest occur at convergent, then transform, then divergent.
However, in convergent boundary earthquakes, the slip occurs deep within earth, so loses some of the energy when comes to surface.
What causes earthquakes?
Vibrations caused by movement of tectonic plates results in vibrations rippling through the crust.
Surface Wave
Stronger than body wave (because it's a 2D wave vs 3D wave, since body wave is not on the surface).
P vs S Wave
P waves are faster (they push and pull the surface crust, can't really be felt) than S waves (which actually behave like the standard wave, and you can feel this).
Man-Made Earthquakes
Injection of fluid into rocks. Rocks are much more slippery when wet, so more susceptible to slippage.
Occur at plate boundaries
Strongest occur at divergent (obviously, since the crust is being split and lava is directly underneath). A lot also occur at convergent boundaries.
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What causes tsunamis?
Earthquake causing ripples through ocean, which creates high tide.
- Tsunami high tidal waves typically break before
Caused by
Soil conditions. Slope is the key factor in determining landslide.
- Deforestation a big reason why this is so common.