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AP Government
0.03 Exam Review: The Constitution
The Unwritten Constitution
Ex. political parties, presidents cabinet, special interest groups, PACs, and bureaucracy
executive privilege
customs and traditions
Article 6: Supremacy Clause
Defines relationship of federal government to states
Article 4: Full Faith and Credit
Mutual respect and legality of laws, public records, and judicial decisions made by states.
Article 5: Amendments
2 ways:
2/3rds of both houses and ratification in 3/4ths of state legislatures
Congress calls national convention (requested by 2/3rds state legislatures), then 3/4ths must ratify
Article 1: Congress
Bicameral legislature to create laws (House of Reps and Senate)
House of Representatives: most directly responsible to people
Rules of impeachment of government officials outlined
The publics view of Congress has continued to deteriorate since the 1970s (but still continue to vote for incumbent)
Implied powers: necessary and process clause (elastic clause) gives Congress power to make all laws necessary and proper.
powers denied to Congress: denial of writ of habeas corpus, passage of bill of attainder laws, passage of ex post facto
Article 2: Chief Executive
Administer and execute the public policies
President has authority in foreign policy
The Constitution
A practical, as well as functional, document. An enduring and evolving document as it has stood the test of time.
Separation of powers: no dominant branch
Article 3: Judicial Branch
Most vague regarding the qualification of its members
Refers to one Supreme Court and the manner in which cases get there (but does not give SC broad authority it has assumed)
Defines treason, provides for a range of penalties if convicted
House Of Representatives
25 years old, 7 years in US, and inhabitant of the state represented
House is considered more representative, closer to the people
Starts all revenue bills, initiates process of impeachment
30 years old, 9 years in US, and inhabitant of the state represented
Senate passes all revenue bills from HoR
Tries impeachment cases
Approves Presidents appointments and treaties
Congressional Powers
Enumerated in Article 1, Section 8
collect taxes, pay debts, provide for common defense and general welfare
borrow money
regulate interstate and intrastate commerce
est. uniform laws dealing with immigration and bankruptcies
coin money
est. post offices
est. federal courts in addition to SC
declare war
raise and support armies and a navy
Must be a natural born citizen, 35 years old, 14 years in US
Power has increased more than the other branches Powers include:
Commander in chief of armed forces
Power to grant pardons
Make treaties
appoint ambassadors, justices, other officials
sign/veto legislation
duty to give Congress a State of Union report
The VP
Presides over Senate
Only votes if there is a tie vote
Next in line to succeed President, or if President is disabled (25th Amendment)
Judicial Powers
Term of office for SC justices is life after appointment
Appointment process: prospective justices scrutinized by Senate Judiciary Committee
Vast majority of cases heard are from appellate jurisdiction (brought on appeal from state and federal courts)
Electoral College
# of electors based on population
The candidate who receives the most votes receives all the electoral votes in that state
If no candidate receives majority, then HofReps decides election
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