simplest solution is don't try to stop the brainyou are not stopping kidney function, heart function etc
you have problem with brain because of the identification you have
you have misunderstood your thought to be you
whatever your thought is, you think that is you
but your thought is coming from certain information that you gathered from outside
if i wipe out the memory in you will you have a thought?NO
It is coming from only the information you gathered
what type of information you gather is not all by choice
If you walk in the street. everything you see hear smell and touch gets recorded in the mind
what goes into you is not in your hands. isnt it so
90 percent is not in your hands
simply it is happening
everything through sense organs is just getting into you and recorded
there is no good bad and ugly
its just information
now by your recognition you say - oh this is nice it becomes good, you say it is nasty and it becomes bad, you say it is horrible then it becomes ugly
this is your doing
information is simply pouring and recording
what you gather, it can be yours but it cannot be you
i can say - this is my chair but if i say this is me. Then you will think i am crazy