I really like the beginning; a nice family was introduced along with their goals of getting married. This strongly reminds me of Indian Movies.
Specific Details
Anything specific I noticed about a passage.
Mrs. Bennet with the Lucas'
It's funny how nonchalant Mrs. Bennet is about Jane when talking to Mrs. Lucas. Although she is bursting with pride, she tries to hide it and still get compliments from Mrs. Lucas.
Parts I Liked
Sections I enjoyed.
Charlotte said...
"You should not get to know a person too well before marriage because you might find defects" I laughed because I never thought of marriage in that way. There's differences between getting to know the person before marriage and getting to know them after.
Mr. Bennet
Reminds me of my dad.
Bingley's sisters
It was very selfish when Bingley's sisters went from talking about Jane's health to themselves. Although they started talking about Jane, they always had to bring it back to them, and everything had to be about them.
Argument between Darcy and Bingley
I blame Darcy for the argument. He randomly brought up stuff about Bingley. Darcy's staying at Bingley's house, he should have shown some more respect. However, he could have said what he did because Miss Bingley was annoying him while Darcy was writing the letter.
The Argument
This part shows character, theme, and plot very well. It shows the relationship between Elizabeth and Darcy, shows the personality of Elizabeth and Bingley more, and deals with the theme of persuasion and how people's opinions of each other could be shifted.
Darcy asks Elizabeth to Dance
I love the scene where Darcy asks Elizabeth to dance with him. While telling him she liked proving people's assumptions wrong, and that she didn't want to dance with him, she herself got her assumptions proven wrong about Mr. Darcy. Darcy was actually being nice to her and honestly wanted to dance.
Mr. Collins' Prospective Wife
I think its extremely weird how Mr. Collins, Mr. Bennet's cousin, is looking for a wife in one of the Bennet daughters. They are related!!

However, I also think it's kind of sweet that he is willing to allow one of the Bennet daughters (in a way) to keep their father's property.
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