Rare unless the hallucinogen is contaminated by another drug or chemical such as strychnine. In hallucinogen intoxication, the patient is still grounded in reality and recognizes that the experiences of altered perception are due to using a hallucinogen. In hallucinogen intoxication delirium, the patient is no longer grounded in reality.
Hallucinogen intoxication delirium
Hallucinogen-Related Disorders
Hallucinogen Intoxication
The essential feature of Hallucinogen Intoxication is the presence of clinically significant maladaptive behavioral or psychological changes (Market anxiety or depression, ideas of reference, difficulty focusing attention, fear of losing one's mind, paranoid ideation, impaired judgment..etc) that develop during or shortly after hallucinogen use. Perceptual changes are a central part of intoxication, developing during or shortly after hallucinogen use and occur in a state or full wakefulness and alertness.
usually begins with stimulant effects such as restlessness and autonomic activation. Initial visual illusions or enhanced sensory experience may give away to hallucinations. Hallucinations are often of geometric forms or figures, sometimes of persons and objects. Auditory or tactile hallucinations are more rare.
after Hallucinogen use:
-pupil dilation, tachycardia, sweating, palpitations, blurring of vision, tremors, incoordination
Hallcinogen persisting Perception Disorder (Flashbacks)
The essential feature of this disorder is the transient recurrence of disturbances in perception that are reminiscent of those experiences during one or more earier hallucinogen intoxications.
This reexperiencing of perceptual symptoms causes clinically significent distress or impairement in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.
The perceptual disturbances may include geometric forms, peripheral-field images, flashes of color, intensified colors, trailing images, perceptions of entire objects, afterimages, halos around objects, macropsia, and micropsia.
The abnormal perceptions that are assiciated with Hallucinogen Persisitng Perception Disorder occur episodically and may be self-induced or triggered by entry into a dark enviroment, various drugs, anxiety or fatique, or other stressors. The episodes usually abate after several months but can last longer.
Also Known As:
Hallucinogen dependence and abuse
Hallucinogen dependence differs from other drug dependence in that there are no withdrawal symptoms when the drug is stopped, and the extent of tolerance, (needing a higher and higher dose to achieve the same effect) appears minimal.
Specific Age
Hallucinogen intoxication usually first occurs in adolescence, and younger users may tend to experience more disruptive emotions
Normally diagnosed from reports by the patient or person accompanying the patient of use of a hallucinogenic drug. Active hallucinations and accompanying physical symptoms can confirm the diagnosis, but do not have to be present. Routine drug screening does not detect LSD in the blood or urine, although specialized laboratory methods can detect the drug.
After Hallucinogen use:
Psychotic states can occur immediately after using the drug, or days or months later.
Age, Gender, and Culture
Treatement (Works for other Hallucinogen related disorders as well)
Since most people experiencing hallucinogen intoxication remain in touch with reality, "talking down" or offering reassurance and support that emphasizes that the bad trip, anxiety, panic attack , or paranoia will pass as the drug wears off is often helpful. Patients are kept in a calm, pleasant, but lighted environment, and are encouraged to move around while being helped to remain oriented to reality. Occasionally, drugs such as lorazepam are given for anxiety. Complications in treatment occur when the hallucinogen has been contaminated with other street drugs or chemicals.
More frequently in persons with preexisiting adolescent Conduct Disorder or adult Antisocial Personality Disorder.
Specific Culture
Hallucinogens may be used as a part of established religious practices such as peyote in the Native American Church. Within the United States, there are regional differences and changes in the patterns of use over the decades.
Specific Gender
Hallucinogen use and Intoxication appear to be three times more common among males than among females.
10% of people ages 12 and older aknowleged having used a hallucinogen. 18-25 year olds was a percentage of 16%. (1996). 15% aknowledged in 1997, including the 10% the prior year. A 1992 community survey conducted in the United States reported lifetime rates of Hallucinogen Abuse or Dependence to be about 0.6%, with a 12 month prevalence rate of about 0.1%.
Many hallucinogenic substances have stimulant effects and may cause some of the features of Amphetamine Intoxication.
The perceptual disturbances and impaired judgement assicoiated mau result in injuries or fatalities from automobile accidents, physical fights, or attempts to "fly" from high places.
Intoxication may also be associated with physiological changes, including increases in blood glucose, cortisol, ACTH, and prolactin.
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