Main Idea
Stage A: Heat Shock Treatment of Cells, and Control
thermal energy turns on the gene (heat up the cells, not too much to denature)
Stage B: Treatment of Cells to Fix 
To get rid of the medium, and "fix" the cell:
- this increases permeability of the cell, killing the cell
-paraformaldehyde fixes the structures in place, instead of rinsing away. Keeps the cells in place (HeLa sticks to the bottom of the plate very well.)
Stage C: Primary Block Treatment
Blocks off unwanted receptor sites, so that when antibodies are added, they attach to the correct receptor site. 
Stage D: Primary Antibody Treatment
Ab's fit onto the appropriate receptor sites 
Stage E: Secondary Block Treatment
Secondary blocker blocks off unwanted receptor sites so that when the second antibodies are added, they attach to the primary Ab instead of confounding receptor sites. 
Stage F: Secondary Anitbody Treatment
Secondary Ab attaches onto Primary Ab, Secondary Ab is a flourophore, carries the part that glows. 
Lots of flourophores bind to one primary antibody, so you have a lot of signal with having multiple bindings. 
Seeing how brightly it glows to see how much heat shock protein is present compared between the two cell samples. 
looking at how bright the thing is to see how much concentration of the HSP there is present. 
Is there an elevated concentration of the HSP
Stage G: Photodocumentation
To get a visual of our results. 
Lab Notes
-thermal energy "turns on" the gene (like chemistry in lac operon)
-Using HeLa Cells
Block Treatments
How the blockers work: 
- Blocker 1, Blocker 2
- Block off extra receptor site that the antibody could attach to 
-Blocks off confounding sites, and the blockers stick. 
Incubation Periods
Washing more thorough than rinsing
- add solution
-wait x minutes
-wash/rinse extra away
      -rinsing: with Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS)
Analysis of Results
-Take an average brightness of 4-5 cells from both samples
-T-Test: whether there really is a significant difference in brightness (yes there is a difference, no there isn't a difference)
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