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3.1 Illumination: Design Guidelines
Design Guidelines
Strong, undesirable light, leads to eye discomfort
Direct Glare
Goes into your eyes directly from the light soure
Indirect Glare
Caused by reflective light.
Direct Glare Control Guidelines
Position luminaires as far from operators line of sight as possible
Use several low intensity lights
Use indirect lighting
Use light shields hoods and visors
Indirect Glare Control Guidelines
Avoid using indirect glare zone
Use luminaires with diffusing or polorizing lenses
Use surfaces that diffuse light
Change angle of worker
Have operator sit with back to a dark colored wall
Avoid placing clocks and other reflective items in the area
Tilt the screen up and down or move slightly to the left or right
To Reduce Reflected Glare at VDU Workplaces
Lower the ambient lighting
Have operator sit with back toward dark colored wall
Paint walls with dark colors
Avoid placing shiny things where reflections can cause glare
Tilt Screen Downward
To reduce Window Light Glare
Cover Windows
Add awnings/tents
Install VDU at right angles to windows
How to Reduce Glare
Everything below the line of sight should be darker, everything above can be brighter
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